Heidi at Red Letter Quilts has very kindly nominated me for the Liebster Award! Thank you so much, Heidi!

The Liebster Award is for blogs with less than 200 followers or that are less than 6 months old. Each nominee must do the following:
List 11 random things about yourself.
Answer 11 questions posed by the nominator.
Choose 11 blogs to pass the award on to and link them to your post.
Create 11 questions for those 11 people to answer.
So, here we go!
11 random things about myself:
- I read, on average, about 5 books a week. More if I have to spend a long time on a bus. Getting my first e-reader made my life SO much easier.
- Why do I spend a long time on buses? Because I coach my school's math team! We travel to about 10 competitions a year throughout the state and nation, which results in a lot of time on a bus. Fortunately, we pay for the good buses.
- I have been dancing for almost nineteen years--on and off since I was three! I've done ballet, jazz, and lyrical (contemporary) mostly, but have also dabbled in gymnastics and tap.
- I love watching college football and am almost completely uninterested in all other sports. Go Noles!
- I have a massive collection of t-shirts. I counted a couple of months ago and I think it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 or so.
- I spent the fall semester of my junior year of college in Hong Kong studying abroad. It was AMAZING. I also got to spend that semester with my then boyfriend, now husband, which made it even better!
- My husband and I have two dogs, Izzy and Peanut, both of whom came from our local animal shelters. They are on the larger side, both about 60 lbs. We baby them and treat them like our kids. :)
- Other than the semester I spent in Hong Kong, I have never lived outside the state of Florida, which means that my current location (Tallahassee) is the farthest north I have EVER lived!
- I have been a Mac user for my whole entire life--I have NEVER owned a PC (though my husband owns several, and I'm forced to use one for work--our IT guy refers to Macs as "fruit"). My whole family is the same way--my parents bought their first Mac around the time I was born. Two Christmases ago, my mom bought us all t-shirts that say "I was a Mac user when Apple was doomed."
- My favorite color is pink, and my friends in my knitting group make fun of me because I pretty much exclusively buy pink yarn.
- I hate cooking but I LOVE to bake! I spend most of December baking Christmas cookies.
And here are the answers to the questions that Heidi asked her nominees:
1. Cats or Dogs?
2. AM or PM person?
PM. I hate waking up early!
3. Sand or Snow?
I'm a Florida girl, so definitely sand!
4. Floral or Plaid?
5. Warm or Cool colors?
Cool colors
6. Favorite Flower?
Pink roses
7. Who would you like to have lunch with if you could?
Hmmm… not sure. Maybe Hillary Clinton?
8. Hotel or tent?
DEFINITELY hotel. I am not a camping person.
9. Your first quilt pattern?
The first quilt pattern I followed? Sunkissed Squares, from the Moda Bake Shop.
10. How many UFO's do you have stashed?
Ummm… too many to count… around 12 or so?
11. What is missing in your fabric stash?
Neutrals and text prints.
I'm nominating the following bloggers:
http://fairlymerry.blogspot.com/, one of my buddies from the Cochineal group of the Simply Solids bee this year
http://www.squawkthat.com/, another buddy from the Cochineal group
http://www.nitadances.com/, who has been buzzing along with me in We Bee Learning for the past year
http://throwawenchintheworks.blogspot.com/, who I've followed for a while and is a fellow teacher
http://archiethewonderdog.blogspot.com/, who is absolutely hilarious!
http://recipeforsanity.blogspot.com/, a real-life friend who does not blog about quilting, but instead about recipes and her path towards her masters in counseling and eating disorder recovery
http://busybeingfancy.com/, another real-life friend whose blogs about her and her husband's efforts to renovate their 85-year-old house (which is amazing!)
http://www.knottedcotton.com/, whose blog I've just discovered, but I'm a new follower as a result of reading her Slow Blog Manifesto (one could look up "slow blog" in the dictionary and find my picture)
http://fosterreviewsit.blogspot.com/, who I discovered in the Let's Get Acquainted! blog hop
http://sewquiltexplore.blogspot.com/, also from Let's Get Acquainted
http://spoolhardygirl.blogspot.com/, also from Let's Get Acquainted
And the questions for them:
1. What made you start your blog?
2. What is your favorite dessert or sweet treat?
3. What is your favorite beverage?
4. What are your favorite and least favorite things about blogging?
5. If you could be an expert in one area, what would it be? Be as general or specific as you'd like!
6. If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be?
7. Who do you look up to?
8. Who is your favorite author and/or what is your favorite book?
9. Where do you do your crafting?
10. How long have you been a crafter (quilter, knitter, etc)?
11. What is your favorite color?