I have neglected this little blog sorely over the past few months! I've been crafting (not necessarily sewing) a lot, but not taking pictures or writing anything. So I'm going to post my 2012 accomplishments and 2013 New Year's resolutions here (both crafty and non) and show you a bit of what I've been up to.
1. I finished three quilts this year!

Supernova quilt
Skill Builder Sampler Christmas quilt
Across the Sea quilt
I would have liked to finish more, of course, but I have a baby quilt mid-quilting, a baby quilt basted, and a long-time WIP that I've finally made some significant progress on, so I'm pretty pleased with these three finishes.
2. I participated in my first quilting bee!
There are only 9 pictures for two reasons--I forgot to take a picture of one, and I am a TERRIBLE bee-person and haven't made my last two blocks. Admittedly, one of the blocks I haven't made is for me. So that makes it ever so slightly better, but still bad.
I will be continuing to participate in We Bee Learning for 2013, as well as participating in Simply Solids-a modern {bee}. I loved getting out of my comfort zone for these, and I'm happy I'm continuing to participate.
3. I got, and learned how to use, a Silhouette Cameo!

I have the best mom and dad in the whole entire world, and they bought me a Silhouette for my birthday in August. I immediately jumped into learning how to use it, focusing mostly on vinyl projects. I've made a bunch of stuff, including Christmas ornaments, wedding presents, tumblers with vinyl, and onesies with heat transfer vinyl. I have plans for oh so much more, and I will try to post stuff as I make it for those of you who might be interested.
4. I made a billion wreaths
And by a billion, I actually mean about 6, which somehow I have NO pictures of. But I have wreaths for winter, spring, football season, and Christmas of course! And I just keep making more… on the list is a burlap bubble wreath and a Valentine's day ribbon wreath.
5. I got more comfortable with free-motion quilting
Though I didn't follow the challenges I'd planned to do, you can look at the Skill-Builder Sampler quilt to see my most extensive free-motion quilting endeavor to date. I feel much more confident now, after taking a class at my LQS and completing that quilt, and I'm planning to continue using FMQ for my quilting projects.
And now for some goals/resolutions… .
1. Quilts for charity
After making two quilts for charity in 2011, I didn't complete any in 2012. I have two in progress that will be part of my finish-along list for this quarter, so I plan to get two done early in 2013. I want to contribute to Newborns in Need again, as well as passing these two along to a friend who works with children in foster care.

2. A bed-sized quilt
This one is well in the works. My goal is for it to be a twin-sized quilt for our guest room/office. Eventually I may get started on a king-sized quilt for my bed, but probably not soon.

3. Learn to paper-piece
I'm participating in the Lucky Stars Block of the Month Club. I'm excited about these blocks, and want to get started (although first I have to find a way to print out the templates… maybe a goal for this year should be to buy a new printer?)
4. Open my Etsy shop
I'm hoping to open it soon! It will include Christmas ornaments, onesies, canvas signs, etched glasses, tumblers, and other items that I'm making using the Silhouette. I had really hoped for it to happen before Christmas, but I just had too much going on with work.
5. Blog every once in a while
Because really, I have so much fun making all this stuff, the least I can do is document it for myself and share it with others!
2013 may have a bunch of changes in store for me and my family--I'm hoping so, at least, but we shall see as the year progresses. Happy New Year to all of you! I wish you a wonderful 2013! I'm going to enjoy watching some football (go Noles!) and perhaps work on organizing my closet. :)
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